My Mermaid and Me
Where shall I go? What shall I see?
Green, Blue, Ocean and Sea.
Shells, Oysters, Clams on the floor.
Up above Sun, Stars, Moon and more.
Glide, Jump, Glide.
Chase, Eat, Chase.
Play and speak.
It's a friend I seek.
There she is, oh Bliss.
Love and Kiss.
Splash and Love.
Laugh and Live.
It shall be, My Mermaid and Me,
Happily forever, alive in the Sea.
Green, Blue, Ocean and Sea.
Shells, Oysters, Clams on the floor.
Up above Sun, Stars, Moon and more.
Glide, Jump, Glide.
Chase, Eat, Chase.
Play and speak.
It's a friend I seek.
There she is, oh Bliss.
Love and Kiss.
Splash and Love.
Laugh and Live.
It shall be, My Mermaid and Me,
Happily forever, alive in the Sea.