The Mystical Mermaid

Blog dedicated to Mermaids. Find out about Mermaid sightings, recipes, new products, fictional stories, poems and more.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Which is your Fav? Ariel or Melody?

I must admit that I love both movies, but I'm partial to Mermaid I. I connected far better with Ariel, since the movie came out when I was 18. Ariel also being a teenager, I could relate to her feelings.

My daughter on the other hand much prefers Mermaid II, being that Melody is closer to my daughter's age, I believe as the same with me, she "relates" to her better.

Both movies are wonderful and a must for any Disney Collectors Library!

Hey- your kiddo would LOVE this "Little Mermaid" music CD!

A Psychic View on Mermaids...


Doreen Virtue

Mermaids, says Doreen Virtue, are divinely magical spiritual helpers who exist on the etheric plane and who want to help us become strong and powerful lightworkers, especially if we agree to help with environmental causes in some way. Dolphins are the mermaids' physical companions, playmates and co-workers. They bring magical otherworldly energy to Earth, and remind us of the importance of playfulness.


Fellow Doreen Virtue fans, Get her BRAND NEW "Magical Mermaid and Dolphin Cards"!
(If you don't know who Doreen Virtue is, visit and look her up under "hosts". You can listen to her live weekly, or you can listen to all of her archived shows; all free.)
